March 18, 2007

X Files Episode Pictures

Red Museum

Mulder and Scully go to a small town, where teenagers are found wandering around in their underwear, with the words "HE IS ONE" OR "SHE IS ONE" carved into their backs

It's so cute when Mulder wipes off the sauce on her face ... They're flirting during all this scene!!!

Click here to see a larger size:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anda tão dificil comentar, porque minha net está cheia de problemas. Ainda assim, insisto em vir dizer que adoro seus posts e a maneira como você faz os epis ficarem ainda mais shippers.
Tb amo esta cena do restaurante qdo Mulder limpa a boca de Scully. Dizem q ñ estava no script p/ ele fazer aquilo. Bom, mesmo q ñ estivesse, ela parecia um palhacinho borrado...