July 8, 2007

X Files Episode Pictures - Season 3

"Paper Clip"
Reunited, Mulder and Scully locate an old scientist from Nazi Germany, pardoned through Operation Paper Clip. The information he gives them leads to their discovery of something which could mean their deaths*.
Such a shippy episode!!! Soooooooooooooooooo cute Scully looking at him when he cames back and she sees he's alive! And the hug at the end despite of the sad situation, a hug is always a hug!

"The Blessing Way"
The Smoking Man works quickly to recover the stolen computer files, but finds himself thwarted by a man whom he hopes is dead. Meanwhile, Scully finds herself at a loss for her next step and turns to her family for support, since Mulder is otherwise engaged fighting for survival*
This is a great episode! We can see how Scully is affected by Mulder's desappear but she refuses to believe he's dead. There's an outtake on DVD very interesting when she talks to her sister about her lost. I like so much when he talks to her in her dream, is so real! So beautiful! The proof they're connected forever!

Click here to see a larger size: http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/4585/xfiles36blessingwayza7.jpg

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Estes dois epis são um marco na
série. Já falei como fiquei
ansiosa para comprar os DVDs na
Dava para ver a afinidade dos
dois atores nestas cenas
inesquecíveis. E o recado estava
dado: Quanto mais o sindicato
tentasse dividi-los, o elo entre
eles se tornava mais forte.
A cena no elevador, os olhares de
Scully, a maneira como Mulder
irrompe no seu apartamento e fica
logo de cara do lado dela contra
Skinner sem entender bem o que se
É super emocionante. Simplesmente
AX é eternamente!