When a young girl is kidnapped from her home, a fast food worker miles away collapse on the job, apparently experiencing exactly what the child is feeling. When Mulder learns that the woman was kidnapped and held hostage for years as a child, he begins to believe that she may be the key to help find the missing girl*.

"The Walk"
Another failed suicide attempt by a patient in a military hospital interests Mulder with the talk of a "phantom soldier" which has prevented the man's death. The general in charge is at first opposed to the FBI's involvement until the invisible killer begins stalking him. But none believe when the primary suspect is a quadraplegic*.

Meeting insecure women through an on-line service, a serial killer seduces his prey with the right words. However, Mulder and Scully determine these killings are far from ordinary by the presence of a strange substance coating the victims, a substance which seems to digest the fatty acids in flesh*.
Meeting insecure women through an on-line service, a serial killer seduces his prey with the right words. However, Mulder and Scully determine these killings are far from ordinary by the presence of a strange substance coating the victims, a substance which seems to digest the fatty acids in flesh*.

"The List"
Mulder, Scully and a ghost killer in a prision.

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* Summary from: http://www.xfroadrunners.com/episodes/s3.html
Uh! É bom vir aki e encontrar
tanto recheio....rs!
Bom, estes epis são ótimos mesmo.
Oubliette impressiona pela
capacidade que Mulder tem em
se envolver com certos tipos de
casos que lembram Samantha.
The Walk é no mínimo intrigante
pela maneira como o assassino
se livra das vítimas.
The List é por um lado
aterrorizante e gozado porque
Scully fica passeando pelos
corredores do presídio tendo que
ouvir as gracinhas dos detentos.
Um final bastante sombrio...
2Shy, eu já vi uma dezena de
vezes. Gostei bastante deste epi.
Aliás, eu adoro todos aqueles
em que Scully "briga" com os
bandidos e acaba se dando bem no
final. Ainda por cima, ela tem
que lidar com o machismo do
detetive que investiga o caso.
XF For Ever!
fotinho 308 é lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
eu amei o pes tb kkkkkkkkkkk
miga adoro olhar pra essa montagem sua !!! Parabéns Bjssss
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