A search for stigmatics turns up a young boy in Ohio whom Mulder and Scully immediate travel to protect. They feel that he may be the next choice of a fanatic who has murdered eleven people claiming to be stigmatics. But when it appears that this boy may be legitimate, Scully starts believing she was the one who was chosen*.

I like so much this episode because it seems to be about Scully, her feelings , her faith and I love these episodes where we can see Gillian's talent.
Click here to see a larger size: http://img237.imageshack.usimg237/9848/xfiles47revelationsbt3.jpg
* Summary from: http://www.xfroadrunners.com/
1 comment:
Ótimo episódio. Tem uma cena mto
engraçadinha de Mulder reclamando
com Scully pq ela não lhe preparara
o banho como fazia com Kevin.
E a cena final da despedida entre
ela e o garoto é super emocionante.
Sem dúvidas, um epi para mostrar o
talento da nossa querida Gillian.
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