January 19, 2008

X Files Episode Pictures

"Teso dos Bichos"
After two people associated with a sacred artifact disappear, Mulder and Scully investigate the apparent curse caused by the unearthing and relocation of the remains of an amaru, a female shaman. Their lead suspect is a member of the dig which brought the amaru to the US, though he is more preoccupied with using a native hallucinogen to pray to the spirit*.

I don't like so much this episode. It's a dark episode, I don't know. The story at least is good. Mistery.

Click here to see a larger size: http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/2985/xfiles57tesodosbichoslr1.jpg

A man is apprehended yet escapes after he claims to be the hired killer of 14 people whose deaths had previously been ruled as suicides. The man, who seems to have the ability to control others, desires a challenge, leaving clues for Mulder and Scully to follow as he sets up his contest of wills*.

"Pusher" is onfe of my favorite episodes! So shippy scenes and the last one ... OMG ... takes my breath away! Sooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! Well, that's why I made two pics because this is a wonderful episode!

Click here to see a larger size: http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/2541/xfiles56pusher2xl8.jpg


* Summary from: http://xfroadrunners.com


Anonymous said...

Todas belissimas
mas a foto da caveira
muito bonita parabéns !

Anonymous said...

Concordo com vc, K. Não gostei
mto. da Maldição da Múmia. Achei
um epi fraco e escuro.
Em compensação, O Instigador é
simplesmente maravilhoso!
Repleto de suspense e cenas pra
lá de Shipper!


Dany said...
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