February 18, 2008

X Files Episode Pictures

Mulder and Scully investigate a series of murders in a Maryland town where it isn't caused by too much violence on television - it's simply caused by television. While Scully finds herself mesmerized by the recordings the murderers kept, Mulder sets out to prove it isn't what you see on TV, but what you don't.*

Such a strong episode! And so shippy too! We can see how much he cares about her when he is looking for her and specially when he thinks she is dead. Great episode!

The disappearance of a federal wildlife official gives Mulder the excuse he needs in order to drag Scully down to Georgia with him. They come in search of the local legend "Big Blue," an aquatic dinosaur reputed to inhabit the local lake*.

At the same time I like so much this episode, because we see them so ... domestic (Mulder, Scully, a dog), I'm sad everytime I see it ... poor Queequeg... didn't deserve what happened to it.

Click here to see a larger size:



* Summary from: http://xfroadrunners.com/


Anonymous said...

Miga, são dois epis super
Eu adoro ambos. Tão bonitinhos!...
Como vc costuma dizer: so cute!...
Parabéns pelos posts!


Agent Lizzie said...


Muito lindo essa foto!!!
Dá uma vontade de ter a terceira temporada!

Ah! A fan-fic está concluida! Tem a parte final e mais o prólogo!
Custou mais terminou.


Unknown said...
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Agent Lizzie said...


vc faz falta aqui!!!!!

Viu o teaser?

Estou nas nuvens....